Like a number of other letters, this is about the BԪַunanimousBԪַ passing of the Saanich park leash law. I am discouraged not only by the fact that the vote didnBԪַt go my way but that the process of getting there seems such a sham. I have written to the mayor and the council without the courtesy of a response.
This is a situation with passionate speakers on both sides of the issue, but rather than search for a sense of compromise, the council chose to stir the division by blanketing all of Saanich parks under the same restrictions it deems necessary to safeguard very particular areas and at a hugely wasteful cost.
I would encourage anyone who can handle the tedium to watch the June 28 council meeting where the BԪַunanimousBԪַ vote came about for a real dose of local political theatre.
IBԪַm sure some of councilBԪַs decisions in the future will be ones I agree with, but I hope I remember how those decisions will no doubt be reached.
Michael Lewis