An information session about a new Langford-based support service available to residents new to Canada is being held on Wednesday, Aug. 14.
The B.C. Newcomer Services Program helps support the integration of newcomers to the province who are not eligible for federally funded settlement services. It can help with employment, immigration, English language training and community connections.
The new Langford service has been made possible thanks to funding from the Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (VIRCS).
"VIRCS is very excited to launch this new support program In Langford," said Nasim Hamed, program manager. "We realize that our client base is growing in Langford and this is a great opportunity for us to make it easier for Langford residents to get access to support and our services."
To support the launch of the new service, VIRCS has joined forces with the Langford Residents Association to organize the Canadian Newcomers Information Session. The group of volunteers, who have been working to improve and promote the provision of support services for Canadian newcomers in Langford after identifying that most existing services are based in Victoria, have welcomed the news.
"This is such great news for our community and we are thrilled to have been involved in the effort and discussion," said Jeff Byam, president of the group.
The Canadian Newcomers Information Session will be held at Gordon United Church, 935 Goldstream Ave., on Wednesday Aug. 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. The event is free and all members of the public are welcome.
Information will also be available about support from other services, such as Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees, Literacy Victoria and Gordon United Church.