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Challenged by homeowners to push the boundaries in this custom home design build, Architrix Studio and Kingdom Builders share their solutions to include out-of-the-box design ideas. including in-floor radiant heating plus a floating staircase designed on the exterior wall, typically not possible when building to a passive home level.
BԪַThe solar panels werenBԪַt the driving factor in the design. We designed the roof line to fit the holistic architecture of the home, and some of the roofs were oriented nicely to capture or capitalize the solar gainBԪַ, says Khang Nguyen of Architrix.
Innovations included in-floor radiant heating plus a floating staircase designed on the exterior wall, typically not possible when building to a passive home level.
BԪַWe spread the pipes out a lot wider so youBԪַre getting that radiant floor heat, but with much less of a BTUBԪַ, said Paul Lilley, of Kingdom Builders.
BԪַWe were able to come up with the design by learning from the builder in Washington State and we successfully implemented it. I was really excited about because itBԪַs in a passive house, yet we were able to give all the features the homeowners wanted that you might think are not always possible.BԪַ
Join co-hosts Mike and Jennifer-Lee.
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