When was the last time you had a lollipop?
For me, it had been so long I canBԪַt remember. So when the chance presented it recently, I took it.
I had purchased a kidBԪַs meal at a fast food place for the rapidly growing 12-year-old in our house.
Turns out, it wasnBԪַt nearly enough for his ravenous appetite, but thatBԪַs a story for another day.
Within that BԪַtastes good, not so good for youBԪַ package was a lollipop.
He left it behind.
BԪַYou want that?BԪַ I asked.
BԪַNo. Help yourself.BԪַ
BԪַMost excellent,BԪַ I thought.
I took off its plastic cover, got in one furtive lick before the other ravenous beast in the house BԪַ the dog BԪַ came rumbling over to see if it was a treat for him.
As I tried to slip past him, I dropped the lollipop.
Shouting BԪַnoBԪַ at the dog, I grabbed quickly for the candy.
My internal monologue automatically went BԪַfive-second rule.BԪַ
That rule, of course, being the old adage that if you drop some food but pick it up within five seconds, there wonBԪַt be enough time for nasty bacteria to attack.
I can still remember the exact minute I first heard the term. I was maybe five, and my Gramps was passing me a burger made on the barbecue. I dropped it and became instantly sad.
Gramps pounced, much like I did many times later in life, scooped it up and proclaimed BԪַfive-second rule.BԪַ
He explained it to me and I happily ate the burger with no ill effects.
I also didnBԪַt understand how a little dirt would put hair on my chest, but I didnBԪַt question that either.
Now, weBԪַre able to immediately look up things like this, and I can quickly learn that scientific studies have shown that bacteria can transfer to food almost instantly upon contact with contaminated surfaces, regardless of how quickly you pick it up.
Even knowing that, I still just gave the lollipop a quick rinse, finished it in about two chomps and that was that.
It got me wondering what type of other old gems of advice we used to get, and how they stand up today.
Remember BԪַdonBԪַt sit within six feet of the TV or youBԪַll go blindBԪַ?
The parents said this, conveniently ignoring the fact we had to lie on the ground right in front of the TV to be low enough to avoid the cloud of toxic cigarette smoke that filled the room.
BԪַDonBԪַt go outside with wet hair; youBԪַll catch a cold.BԪַ
I still think about that every time I go out after hopping in the shower BԪַ even after looking it up and seeing colds are caused by viruses, not temperature exposure.
BԪַEating carrots will improve your eyesight.BԪַ
Maybe partially true, since Vitamin A is good for eye health, but I questioned that right from the start.
BԪַMum, how come you need glasses but youBԪַre always eating carrots?BԪַ
BԪַHow come Bugs Bunny canBԪַt see like Superman?BԪַ
Another one:
BԪַIf you cross your eyes, theyBԪַll stay that way.BԪַ
This may have been meant to make me stop making goofy faces at my sister but even then I knew my eyes wouldnBԪַt stay that way.
How did I know?
Because I went into the bathroom and timed how long I could hold the silly pose, and nothing happened.
BԪַDonBԪַt swallow gum; it takes seven years to digest.BԪַ
This one was kind of scary.
I remember accidentally swallowing gum a few times as a kid and thinking it would be lodge in there and block things up. Today, I learn that you may not be able to digest it, but it proceeds through just like anything else.
Along the same lines: BԪַIf you swallow watermelon seeds they will grow in your stomach.BԪַ
This was also mildly scary, but watermelon was so good it was worth the risk.
BԪַCracking your knuckles causes arthritis.BԪַ
Strictly designed to make you stop making the annoying sounds. For one, I didnBԪַt know what arthritis was. But two, I do have arthritic knees, so maybe there was something there.
Can you remember old tales like that your parents told you? IBԪַd love to hear them.
PQB BԪַ/VI Free Daily editor Philip Wolf welcomes your questions, comments and story ideas. He can be reached at 250-905-0019 or by email at philip.wolf@blackpress.ca.