The chaos created by the should send a message to all regarding the danger of trees, especially within an urban setting. Municipal bylaws which protect trees at the peril of residents is wrong. Home owners have a right to feel secure in their homes.
Tall coniferous trees can represent a hazard with the potential for significant damage to homes and their occupants. Sadly significant injuries and deaths have occurred from tree fall.
A property owner should have the right to remove trees from their property which they deem hazardous and unsafe. While I recognize the value of trees and their ability to absorb carbon emissions, the removal of unsafe trees within an urban residential property would have minimal effects in that respect. One only has to look at satellite imagery to confirm this. It is ironic that we have municipal policies with respect to tree removal while clear cut logging takes place within 20-30 kilometres as the BԪַcrow fliesBԪַ.
Steve Corner