I read with great interest Ben FenlonBԪַs recent article in the Oak Bay BԪַ, 'Off-leash dogs a bone of contention at Greater Victoria parks and beaches'.
Kudos to Environment CanadaBԪַs tribunal for definitively clarifying that any dog that is off-leash is deemed to be BԪַat largeBԪַ even if the dog is not observed chasing wildlife and the owner believes they have BԪַexcellent recallBԪַ. Finally!
In the article, Saanich resident Curby Klaibert, of the Saanich and Oak Bay Safety Network, is quoted as saying he BԪַhopes it sends a clear message to not walk dogs off-leash at Cadboro Bay Beach or any other area with a bylaw that prohibits itBԪַ. Four years ago, Saanich enacted a bylaw which mirrors the federal leash requirement, thereby providing their animal control (CRD) a bylaw to enforce on Saanich beaches.
Within the Oak Bay Animal Control Bylaw, dogs are required to be leashed on streets, which is defined by Oak Bay as any highway, road, roadway, public sidewalk or walkway, boulevard, lane, alley, or bridge. Not beaches.
Adding beaches to the Oak Bay bylaw will enable Victoria Animal Control Services to do their job and enforce leashes on Oak Bay beaches. Until then, beaches are not within the jurisdiction of VACS. Relying on the signage for Environment Canada is not cutting it, as only federal officers can enforce the federal law.
Oak Bay council: it is time to stop dragging your heels and add beaches to the list of places in Oak Bay dogs must be leashed. It is such a simple change to effect. Remaining silent on this issue is both confusing to the public and irresponsible.
Alexander Leed
Oak Bay