Housing and childcare. ThatBԪַs what we heard the BC NDP say when they presented their agenda in a speech from the throne at the B.C. legislature Tuesday.
Cut to affordability, because thatBԪַs essentially what the two boil down to.
And while the power of distraction waves bottles of wine and barrels of bitumen in our faces, it remains our job as British Columbians to focus on holding governmentBԪַs feet to the fire, when it comes to pulling through on campaign promises.
Greater Victoria residents watched BԪַ along with the rest of the province BԪַ as a Liberal government left the newly-elected NDP government with challenges aplenty.
The decision surrounding the future of the Site C clean energy project did not go over well and Horgan would do well to take note of that when declaring the $10-a-day childcare slogan was just a branding tool. It doesnBԪַt change the fact that funding is needed BԪַ badly BԪַ for a childcare system bursting at the seams, requiring both infrastructure and staff to meet the needs of growing families in B.C.
A recent report ranked Victoria as the sixth most expensive city in Canada in which to rent a home. With the number of cranes dotting the skyline, not only downtown, but in outlying communities like Saanich and the ever-growing West Shore too, one has to wonder what BԪַaffordableBԪַ means to those in power who make decisions for those living paycheque to paycheque.
People across this province face tough struggles every day. No longer is it just life in the metropolis that requires a heavy wallet.
Though it appears HorganBԪַs NDP government understands that and is listening, those same people BԪַ from Tofino to Trail, from Fort St. John to Fernie BԪַ will be watching, to make sure TuesdayBԪַs throne speech wasnBԪַt just lip service.
But itBԪַs also our job to remember nothing worth doing comes easy, for patience is a virtue.
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