ItB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s time to take a hard look at the direction youth lacrosse is taking in Greater Victoria.
There have been too many recent concussion events in local leagues, with no apparent penalties, suspensions or other deterrents. When players are free to attack and assault opposing players with head shots and neck hits and there is no penalty, that translates to condoned permission to continue that style of play/behaviour.
Our kids deserve to play in a safer environment B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·“ lacrosse is a great athletic sport that should showcase skills, not goon brute force. The direction it seems to be currently taking is an insult to our First Nations people who created this sport and played freely, skillfully, but without endorsed intent to maim players.
My plea today is to the executive and leaders of this sport locally to instill some controls. Otherwise parents, grandparents and even the kids will be making the decision to look to other sports and activities to keep themselves concussion free.
Valeska Campbell