Here are this weekB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s thank-yous and gripes about happenings in and around our West Shore community:
BIG BOUQUET: to our fire departments for being so vigilant all summer, and keeping our properties safe, especially the volunteers who donate their time and effort. Without them we could easily be toast.
BEEF: IB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™m a great fan of Langford Music in the Park but this seasonB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s musical offerings were not always desirable. The dates on the website were incorrect as all music in the park is on a Sunday. Hardly any of the bands were as advertised and so those who wanted something they could dance to (a large percentage of the audience are seniors) found something unexpected. I looked forward all summer to dancing to Night Shade, only to find they were playing in Colwood, not Langford. Hope those responsible get their ducks in a row for next year.
BOUQUET: A few weeks ago my son lost his cellphone while walking to his day program. He came home visibly upset and shaken up, as his cellphone is security for him and a source of communication with his program staff. His support worker Caroline took the time to walk the route with him and look everywhere. When I saw my son come back home early he was absolutely despondent. However, we called his phone number and staff from the Co-op Gas station answered the phone. Brennan from Co-op returned it to him, and my son had the biggest smile. Thanks to the kind stranger for doing the right thing and turning in the phone B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·“ you have taught my son a lesson about the kindness of others.
BOUQUET: With all the road construction going on this summer, a big bouquet to all the road crews who risk their lives every day, especially in this hot weather to do their jobs.
BEEF: to drivers who donB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™t seem to be aware of the turn signals that are installed in their cars. When you choose not to signal before you turn, you put yourself, other drivers, and pedestrians in danger along with holding up traffic. Learn to drive!
BOUQUET: to all of the crossing guards who are returning this week to ensure our kids safely make it onto the school grounds. You are much appreciated and we thank you for your time.
BEEF: to the people who absolutely rip through the Latoria/Veterans detour on Brookside Road. They had to install speed bumps a week after the detour started because so many people decided to drive down a residential road like itB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s a highway. There are families and seniors who live on this road, and everyone is just as inconvenienced as you are. IB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™m sure youB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™ll still get where youB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™re going in time.
BOUQUET: to the nice lady who came into our office last week with your greyhound, Twiggy who brightened our day. You are welcome here anytime.
BOUQUET: to all the businesses who were affected by the BCGEU strike B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·“ my heart goes out to you for all the hardships you have endured. May all your businesses thrive this fall.
READ MORE: Beefs and Bouquets
Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited.
Please limit submissions to 50 words. We will not publish beefs about private businesses or charities (those associated with published news articles notwithstanding).