After a summer break, the monthly Royal Oak Neighbourhood (RON) Talks is back on Wednesday, Oct. 4.
Presenting are Phil Henderson, a PhD student in political science at UVic and part of the Indigenous Nationhood Certificate, and Rob Germain, news director at CHEK TV.
Originally from the Bruce/Saugeen Peninsula in southwestern Ontario, Henderson will speak on his research into neoliberalism and settler colonialism to better understand white backlash politics.
Germain will recount how employees saved CHEK TV by becoming owners and why they are positive about the future.
Germain has been in TV more than 30 years and in 2009, he played a lead role in bringing employees and investors together to save the station. Today he serves on the board of the independent, employee-owned company, which is currently enjoying success, adding (not cutting) resources and investing in its future.
RON Talks are the first Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. at the CrumsbyB次元官网网址檚 Cafe in Royal Oak 4525 West Saanich Rd.