An upcoming all-candidates meeting will showcase party and candidate platforms in the new Langford-Juan de Fuca riding.
The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, along with other community groups, is sponsoring an all-candidates meeting April 25 at the Prestige Oceanfront Resort in Sooke from 7 to 9 p.m. An event moderator will ask questions with timed responses and questions will be taken from the floor. Questions can also be submitted in advance by contacting the chamber.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend, but is asked to RSVP to the chamber at by April 21.
So far, there are five declared candidates in the riding John Horgan, NDP incumbent; Cathy Noel, Liberal; Brendan Ralfs, Green Party; William Nelson, the Vancouver Island Party and Scott Burton, Libertarian.
General voting day for the provincial election is May 9.