The final shipment of steel for the Johnson Street Bridge arrived at Ogden Point terminal last night and is being off-loaded onto a barge this afternoon.
The AAL Singapore arrived off Port Renfrew from Shanghai after starting its journey across the Pacific Ocean on Aug. 30. The steel components include the bridge deck span to be used by vehicle and bicycle traffic, as well as pedestrian and multi-use pathways.
The barge will be transported through the Inner Harbour and the existing bridge crossing. Once the span is cleaned and inspected for possible shipping damage, the walkway and multi-use path will be attached to the span. Workers will then install the bridge architectural and traffic lighting and the new bridge deck surface.
The bridge deck span vehicles and cyclists will travel across has arrived at Ogden Pt. in - pedestrian and multi-use pathways as well
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This is the second shipment of large, manufactured steel components. The first arrived Aug. 20, with the north and south rings, lower counterweight and temporary structure to prop up the bridge while it is being built.
Now that all the parts have arrived, the remainder of work on the bridge will be done locally. Project manager Jonathan Huggett said last month that by Christmas, the bridge should B次元官网网址渓ook almost complete.B次元官网网址
The project is on track to be ready for public use by March 31, 2018 after multiple delays.