VictoriaB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s largest online auction is open for your bids B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·“ and the chance for huge savings!
Hosted from June 2 to 11 by Black PressB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s Greater Victoria community newspapers at , this yearB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s auction offers bidders great deals on everything from a new hot tub to an Island kayaking adventure.
Offered at huge savings B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·“ up to 50 per cent off B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·“ hundreds of items in all are on offer. Check out todayB´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·™s Black Press community newspaper or view online to discover everything from dinners out to home furnishings.
Bid on great travel deals, a new bike, jewellery, a hot tub B´ÎÔª¹ÙÍøÍøÖ·¦ even a special performance with local tenor Ken Lavigne.
Simply complete the quick and easy online then get busy shopping and saving!