View Royal is inviting residents help update its official community plan (OCP), which will help shape the town's long-term vision for transportation, parks, the environment and much more.
On Jan. 24, the town announced that OCP updates would occur in three phases, each of which offers opportunities for public input. The second phase is currently underway.
"This phase will focus on the community growth framework, which guides how and where View Royal will grow over the next 20 years," the town said in a news release. "Community members are invited to share their perspectives on land use, housing and future development through a series of engagement opportunities, including open houses, workshops and an online survey."
Open houses will take place on March 8 and 12 at the Victoria Scottish Community Centre and View Royal Town Hall, respectively. A virtual workshop will follow on March 13. The survey is slated to open on March 8, and responses will be accepted until midnight on March 31.
For more information about the open houses and survey, visit: .