ItB次元官网网址檚 been said that when buying something used, you have to adhere to the B次元官网网址渂uyer bewareB次元官网网址 concept.
But one Victoria woman felt that buying a used car that immediately fell apart on her warranted compensation and so she took a local teenager to the BC Civil Resolutions Tribunal.
The teen who sold the alleged lemon B次元官网网址 without an adult present B次元官网网址 cannot be named because he is a minor, but he responded in court filings that the car B次元官网网址渄id not have any mechanical issues when he sold itB次元官网网址 to the woman in question.
The woman who filed the claim said the car broke down less than a week after it was purchased and needs about $4,500 in repairs to restore the vehicle to the condition she claims the teenager represented it to be in.
According to the CRT ruling, the major issue in the dispute was this: Did the teenager (listed as FL) breach an implied warranty of durability, misrepresent the carB次元官网网址檚 condition, or fail to disclose a latent defect in the car? ItB次元官网网址檚 an important issue as more and more people buy vehicles online through such sources as Facebook Marketplace.
The woman bought the vehicle, a 2008 Mazda3, in 2022 for $4,800. Two days later, according to the woman, the car began overheating and she had to take it in for repairs. She texted FL asking him to help pay for the repairs, but received no response.
The woman claims in the CRT ruling that the car also had a cracked head gasket and other issues.
B次元官网网址淚t is well-established that in the sale of used vehicles, the general rule is B次元官网网址榖uyer beware,B次元官网网址橞次元官网网址 says the CRT ruling. B次元官网网址淭his means that a buyer is not entitled to damages, such as repair costs, just because the vehicle breaks down shortly after the sale. Rather, a buyer who fails to have the vehicle inspected, as (the applicant) failed to do, is subject to the risk that they did not get what they thought they were getting and made a bad bargain. To be entitled to compensation, the buyer must prove fraud, negligent misrepresentation, breach of contract, breach of warranty, or known latent defect.B次元官网网址
According to the ruling, no adults were present with the teenager when he sold the car.
B次元官网网址淭hat provision (of the Infants Act) says that a contract made by an B次元官网网址榠nfant,B次元官网网址 or minor, is not enforceable against them unless certain exceptions apply,B次元官网网址 said the CRT ruling. B次元官网网址淚 find those exceptions do not apply here, and so I find that (the applicant) cannot enforce the sale contract against FL. By extension, I find (the applicant) cannot enforce any contractual terms, including an implied warranty or condition under the SGA, against FL.B次元官网网址
As for the claim of misrepresentation, the CRT disputed that.
B次元官网网址淔LB次元官网网址檚 ad said the car was in B次元官网网址榓mazing condition and runs and drives great.B次元官网网址 It also said the car had B次元官网网址榞ood brakes, good tires, healthy engine, and needs no work whatsoever.B次元官网网址 FL does not dispute that he made the same statements in person. However, I find (the applicant) has not proven that these statements were false at the time FL made them.B次元官网网址
The CRT ruling found that the overheating issue wasnB次元官网网址檛 enough to prove that it was a pre-existing problem in the car and the applicant couldnB次元官网网址檛 prove the teenager knew about it.
And so, the CRT dismissed the womanB次元官网网址檚 claims.