The lingering smell of gas midday served as an immediate indication of an earlier gas line hit, causing road and business closures Tuesday morning (March 11).
Gas continued to flow well after an excavator driver hit a one-inch gas line on Vancouver Street near View.
With no nearby shutoff, FortisBC had to dig to a nearby eight-inch main to isolate the one-inch pipe, Victoria Fire Captain Mark Rawlins told the Victoria B次元官网网址. Once isolated, crews will fix the one-inch line and install a shutoff valve.
Fortis BC was called after the digger damaged the gas line around 9:30 a.m. and as of 1 p.m. gas continued to flow freely.
"The safest thing to do is allow it to vent into the atmosphere," said Nicholas Insley, senior manager, corporate communications at Fortis BC. Victoria Fire Department is on the scene as well.
Victoria Fire is also monitoring nearby buildings for gas buildup, with no alarming levels as of 1:30 p.m. Vancouver Street is closed for the safety of Fortis employees.
The damaged line serves as a reminder for people to call BC1Call before digging, Insley said. That service maps out underground utilities in the province.
He noted the length of impacts on both gas customers and those using the roads and businesses in the area. The damage occurred around 9:30 a.m., crews arrived shortly after 10 a.m. and repairs are expected to be complete later in the afternoon.
"If people do smell rotten eggs or hear the sound of escaping gas, it could be a gas leak so itB次元官网网址檚 important they stop what theyB次元官网网址檙e doing, go outside and call 911 or FortisBCB次元官网网址檚 emergency line (1-800-663-9911)," Insley said.