A self described BԪַmodern comedyBԪַ about finding out who you really are is coming to the Belfry Theatre.
Salt Baby, the story of a Six Nations woman (Dakota Ray Hebert) who whose skin-colour segregates her from both her First Nations and Caucasian heritage. Salt Baby self identifies as 75 per cent First Nations and examines her Indigenous identity in a story written and directed by Falen Johnson.
BԪַI think that as a country weBԪַre still really coming to terms with our own history and grappling with specifically with indigenous history and the Indigenous history of this country so sometimes we can have a narrow view of what Indigenous people should look like and who they are,BԪַ Johnson said. BԪַSo I hope this proposes some questions and makes people think about who Indigenous people are a little bit different and I hope they have a good time because it is a comedy.BԪַ
Salt Baby runs April 17 through May 13 at the Belfry Theatre.
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